Wakker worden met Savannah Lynx

Het is prettiger wakker worden naast een vrouw dan in een leeg bed, daar zal iedere man het over eens zijn. En als je he...

Het is prettiger wakker worden naast een vrouw dan in een leeg bed, daar zal iedere man het over eens zijn. En als je het dan toch voor het uitkiezen hebt… Juist, dan doe je het direct ook goed.

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Lees ook: Wakker worden met: Dacia Maria

Savannah Lynx beschouwt haarzelf als een bruisend, filosofisch en wild persoon. Ze doet het aardig als model maar is op de eerste plaats een singer/songwriter. Daarnaast blogt ze er op los en spendeert ze het merendeel van de week in de sportschool of op het strand.

Too much to handle ?????#lynxmode #lynxmode #lynxmode #oscars

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•••• @jake_edm_photo

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boom ?

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it must be muskrat love #whirlingandtwirling #inthesky #spiritanimal #isamuskrat @ardencotoulas

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the animal is in ?? ••••@ardencotoulas

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Dominicana Mama #casadecampo

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Sexuality is empowering. Since I turned about 15 I've heard opinionated strangers, threatened men, insecure women, and "by the book" pageant people cry out in terrified indignation that I should A) be more modest B) don't NEED to put it out there for the world to see C) must need a lot of attention D) must be promiscuous/have questionable morals E) all of the above. My response is that of a feminist origin; my sexuality is for none other than ME. "If that's so, Savannah, why do you feel the need to show it off?" Because sensuality is a personality. Similar to the clothing you choose to wear, the music you listen to, and the things you say, sexuality is also a form of personal expression. What sets my soul aflame is art, music, creation, adventure, spontaneity, intellect, and (gasp) sexuality. Being sexy is a complex, indiscernible aura- not a tawdry display of "goodies." I feel empowered when I feel sexy or as I call it, #lynxy. This photo and other photos like this one does a splendid job of illustrating the way my inner fire matches the outer. Sensuality is a part of being human, and to deny that part of ourselves pushes this form of female empowerment into the realm of shame and self-censorship. There seems to be a stigma that someone who is talented, beautiful, and intelligent shouldn't be overtly sexy- but why the hell not?! If that's what you FEEL then I say be your most authentic you possible. Be all that you are and not a drop less. Be the most potent, saturated cocktail of yourself, because who the hell wants to settle for a mild, knock-off version of the REAL, SEXY, INCREDIBLE you?! #lynxmode #sensuality #feminist #femaleempowerment #empowered #artist •••••@jake_edm_photo

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Truth or dare ??

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My soul is starving. Overcome with hunger. On a visceral level, my body craves the stage. I'm overwhelmed with the need to express myself through song, poetry, artistry- through my light. This sensation is nothing short of primal, and I'm nothing short of a rabid, radiant shooting star with nothing to lose and everything to gain. With my appetite abundant, I'm realizing that the road ahead can be more than a little sour, but I know that my future will be oh so sweet if I truly commit to consistency. There's no denying how many beautiful, talented, incredible entertainers there are in LA... But it's the indiscernible, undeniable, je ne sais quoi that will separate the ordinary from the extraordinary. Time will tell, but this dream of mine is the only thing I have. I refuse to give up on what I have to give. #Lynxmode #StopWaitingForSomethingToHappen #DoIt #Passion #GoGetter #Singer #Artist #Hollywood #WhatHaveYouGotToLose #DontProcrastinateLiving #NewMoon

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#lynxmode Photo by @gregwoodson

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Feelin a little lynxy as of late Photo: @gregwoodson

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r u n a w a y ?

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m e r m a i d | v i b e s ? #Miami #miamiswimweek #mermaid #lynxmode

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