Heren, Scarlett Johansson is weer single

We maken weer kans. De 32-jarige actrice Scarlett Johansson is in het geheim gescheiden van Romain Dauriac. Ze is gespot...

We maken weer kans. De 32-jarige actrice Scarlett Johansson is in het geheim gescheiden van Romain Dauriac. Ze is gespot zonder trouwring terwijl ze meeliep tijdens een protestmars tegen President Donald Trump. Ze hebben samen nog wel een dochter en een bedrijf (een popcornmerk) maar verder schijnt het helemaal over en uit te zijn.

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Eerder hadden we het er al over dat Johansson de meest verdienende actrice van 2016 is dus ze wij kunnen ons voorstellen dat de mannen al in de rij staan. Sla je slag, wie weet wat het wordt. Laten we nog even een aantal foto's op een rij zetten.

Always fight for what you believe in and always remember to do it with love.

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

Make sure to support your local #womensmarch on THIS SATURDAY (January 21st). Can't wait to march in Chicago while Scarlett proudly marches in Washington D.C. (Standing with @plannedparenthood) • Not every woman wants to march. Some don't see the new president as a threat. Some don't like crowds, or they find marching pointless, or aren't physically able to march, or have other obligations, or don't want to have to prove their intentions this way. Valid reasons. No one should be pressured into marching. But don't fall for the argument that marching is "divisive" or that it's "time to move on." Go if you believe women should be able to live free of violence and sexual threat. If you believe women have a right to control whether and when to have children. If you believe women deserve to be paid fairly for their work, and in a workplace that acknowledges the complexities of women's lives. Go because, as President Barack Obama noted in his farewell speech, it's good to get off Facebook and meet people face to face. Go if you believe that women — like all Americans — deserve to live free of bias based on their skin color, their religion, their birthplace, their disabilities, their sexual preference or gender orientation. Go if you know that "women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights" is more than a slogan. Go if only because you're curious. Or because one day you'll enjoy saying, "I was there on that Saturday in January when a remarkable thing happened all over the country." Go for your daughters, your mothers, your grandmothers, your sons, your husbands, your friends. Yourself. -

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

I don't wanna regret the things I didn't do. I wanna regret the things I did do.

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op


Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

Honestly wondering how many blazers she owns. She loves them. Well, they DO "suit" her well. Hahahaha.... Ok I'll stop.

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

"I'm curvy - I'm never going to be 5' 11' and 120 pounds. But I feel lucky to have what I've got" - Scarlett

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

Comment your favorite Scarlett movies!!! I'll make some #seriouslyscarlettsubtitles posts soon!

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op

Tried different sharpening settings. Looked weird on Photoshop, but I think it looks good on an iPhone display.. Hope it did the picture justice! ?

Een foto die is geplaatst door Scarlett Johansson (@seriouslyscarlett) op