Babe van de Week: Vicky Pattison

Iedere week zetten we één van onze favoriete instagram-schones in het zonnetje en deze week is het de beurt aan ex-partygirl Vicky Pattison

Babe van de Week: Vicky Pattison

Geordie Shore

Voordat shows als Oh, Oh, Cherso en Temptation Island aan een opmars begonnen, was MTV de absolute bakermat van reality-tv. The Hills, Laguna Beach, Jersey Shore.. we keken het allemaal. En toen was daar ineens een Europese variant: Geordie Shore, over een stel feestende Engelsen uit Newcastle Upon Tyne. Het was een instant succes, met Vicky als onbetwiste koningin van de serie.

Van jägerbombs naar green juices

We leerden Vicky kennen als luidruchtige zuipschuit met een voorliefde voor jägerbombs, die geen enkel drama uit de weg ging. Hoog haar, korte jurkjes en héél veel zelfbruiner, dat was de standaard in het Geordie Shore-huis. Desalniettemin sloot iedereen Vicky in hun hart, want ondanks dat ze af en toe laveloos met glazen gooide, was ze duidelijk de slimste van het stel en daardoor ge-na-de-loos grappig.

Toen Vicky uit de serie stapte, was dat het begin van een enorme transformatie: ze viel gigantisch af en werd een hardcore fitgirl. Maar na twee jaar was het genoeg, en besloot Vicky dat ze eigenlijk veel gelukkiger wordt van een beetje bewegen, een beetje wijn en zo af en toe een hamburger, en laten we eerlijk zijn: daar heeft ze natuurlijk gewoon groot gelijk in. Is ook aan d'r te zien, want Vicky straalt als nooit tevoren. En de bijbehorende curves liegen er ook niet om.

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Over the years my body shape and weight have fluctuated considerably and at times I have felt healthy, happy and confident- but at others I’ve felt uncomfortable in my own skin, stressed out, not as strong as I like to be and just abit low and lacking in self confidence! Now I bet every woman knows this feeling and can testify that there’s usually only a couple pounds- maybe even half a stone- that separates these two completely polarising outlooks- am I right?!! But to us, it can make all the difference.. 😩 This year, I’ve made it my mission to stop yo-yoing and to find some balance in my life! I realise that putting my body through what I have over the years and pushing it from one extreme to the other, entertaining faddy diets and crash eating plans has been so detrimental on, among other things, my metabolism & mental health. Quite frankly I am over it & I’m done punishing myself because I like food and don’t look like Kendall Jenner!!! I don’t want to- I just want to be the best version of ME! So I want to invest in something sustainable that works for me and my body shape rather than against me! I started my journey at the start of the month & so far I am not only enjoying the programme I’m also finding it simple to follow and my results are beginning to show- brucie bonus right there ladies!! 😂😍😍 You know what annoys me the most about these pictures is that in the ones where I look the most toned or thin I was probably at my most miserable- only managing to look like this after a period of deprivation or intense training- & not long after I’d slip into old habits (aka living and actually enjoying myself) and the weight would creep back on. This year, there will be no periods of deprivation, no missing out, nothing is off the menu- I want to live my life but also feel good about myself & my body! So I’m going to keep training hard- something I’ve always advocated for my mental & physical wellbeing- & I’m going to follow my plan and hope by introducing some consistency and balance into my life I’ll reach my goals! In 2020 I want to be healthy, happy but I WILL be enjoying a burger once in awhile! 😂🍟 Wish me luck 💜

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I’ve been meaning to pop my New Years Resolutions up for awhile now but with everything else going on in the world me pledging to go to the gym more & drink less all just seemed a bit insignificant & futile. Having said that I do love this time of year (I’m weird I know)- it’s like the first page of a new book, & you get to write it! A fresh start and a chance to make it anything you want! New goals, new experiences, a new mindset. A brand new opportunity to be exactly what you want to be! And quite frankly that gives me goosebumps! & I love resolutions so here goes: My first resolution for 2020 is to travel more! I’ve always loved going on holiday & seeing new places but I think last year I really got bitten by the travel bug! I love that you can go away and experience another culture, immerse yourself with the locals, spend quality time with loved ones, try something different, be bold & do something adventurous or if you want just chill on a beach, drinking a cocktail & enjoying the sand between your toes!! Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell! And I honestly can’t think of a better first resolution than to commit to this ♥️! Last year I was lucky enough to travel to places that had been on my bucket list FOR YEARS!!! Budapest, Bali and Rome to name a few! This year I’m super keen to get to Thailand! (I really want to go to the elephant sanctuary in Chiang mai), I want to do the amalfi coast properly (& eat all the pasta) & finally I really would like to spend a weekend in Paris! (I know it’s cliché but I will be kissing @ercan_ram under the Eiffel Tower & no one will make me feel embarrassed about it- I’m buzzing 😂😍) So those are my initial plans!! Work permitting of course! But I’m keen to know where you guys want to go this year! Or give me some advice.. where have you been that you’ve loved?! Where should I put on my bucket list? Or actually my ‘f**k it’ list.. because, I always end up getting so fired up and excited when someone tells me about somewhere they’ve been I go: ‘f**k it, I’m going..’ 😂✈️ Talk to me, give me all your suggestions to satisfy my wanderlust please and here’s to 2020!

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Got your attention?!! Good.... 😂😚 A lot of people have been asking where they can catch up on Vicky Pattison: No Filter and I have some great news for you guys! Not only do we have some repeats but there’s actually one TONIGHT!!!! At 11pm on @quest_red We’ll be replaying the first episode of the series!!!! Here are all the repeats btw: *Repeats* Fridays 11pm Sundays 7pm Mondays 10pm Also gang, if you’re a super cool cat and don’t want to have to wait for repeats you can watch it completely in your own time on QuestOD!!! QuestOD is the Video On Demand app, and it does have a live channel stream, as well as episode 1 for viewers to catch up on. The link if you’d like to watch it that way is in my bio!!!! Enjoy you beautiful lot 😍

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