Plus-size model Laura Wells naakt op het strand

Laura Wells, bekend om haar mooie rondingen, is volledig uit de kleren gegaan voor Art Provocative. Zelf zegt ze dat...

Laura Wells, bekend om haar mooie rondingen, is volledig uit de kleren gegaan voor Art Provocative.

Zelf zegt ze dat ze zich volledig thuis voelt in haar eigen lichaam, ook als ze naakt over het strand rolt. Vroeger was dat wel anders; het model met maat 42 was naar eigen zeggen jarenlang onzeker over haar lichaam.

Godzijdank ziet ze nu eindelijk in dat dit nergens voor nodig is.

Lees ook: Queen of curves Khloe Kardashian naakt

When you are comfortable in your own skin it allows you to focus on things bigger than yourself and put your time and effort into making your world what you want it to be. You will never be 100% satisfied with your body and will always have things you dont like but those things should not take up your time and energy. This photo was taken a little while ago when I wasnt 100% happy with my body. Looking back now I think how ridiculous it was to think like that. One thing I will never do is allow how I perceive my body to stop me from doing or achieving things. At the end of the day its your choice! ?? #comfortableinourskin #wholelottaskin #beachbum #wardrobemalfunction #extracoldnips #tb to @art_provocative

Een foto die is geplaatst door Laura Wells (@iamlaurawells) op

Boo! #freethenipple @iamlaurawells ???

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That one time I almost poked out my own eyes with my ring ? #weapon #eyegauger ? @benpykephotography ? @aboutfacesydney

Een foto die is geplaatst door Laura Wells (@iamlaurawells) op


I demanded a beyonce fan...... #diva #indoorbreeze


Een foto die is geplaatst door Laura Wells (@iamlaurawells) op

Naive story of the week ?: A lady at the gym yesterday asked if I felt self conscious having big boobs and hips compared to some of the other tinier girls working out...?.. I accidently laughed in her face ? told her we are all different, I dont aspire to look like anyone but me and I own my ass and tits (*) v (*). They go with me everywhere, im quite fond of them and if someone tried to steal them I'd fight them to the death....... ? I guess some people don't mean to be rude but that only look at life from one direction and have failed to see outside of their own self-conciousness! The point is not to shame this woman but to highlight how our perceptions of what is right/ wrong good/bad beautiful/ugly are just that, our own perceptions shaped by external influences. I wasn't offended but found it interesting to see what she valued and what she thought was ideal and how she assumed others did to. Be proud of what you have and be remembered not for what you look like but for how you treated others and the legacy you leave! #goals ?? #hipsdontlie

Een foto die is geplaatst door Laura Wells (@iamlaurawells) op